Measuring wall dimensions

Thankfully you don’t have to be a seasoned tailor for measuring your wall dimensions. At Morphico we have made this measurement just as easy as counting numbers. Just take a long enough measuring tape and take measurements across the longest width and height of the wall, and we will take care of the rest.

Whichever unit you are comfortable with, be it CM or feet/inches, just input the exact numbers and you are done. Our proprietary calculation technique will get you correct cost estimates and deliver exact amount of wallpaper ensuring minimal cost and wallpaper wastage.

Do not worry about adding any margins. We will add up few inches to measurements you provide so there is enough paper for trimming.

measuring wall

To make things simpler do refer below illustrations of common wall layouts which will make an easy take even easier.

1. A Standard wall

standard wall

Things can’t get simpler. If your wall is a simple square / rectangle without any obstructions or curves just run your tape along the length and breadth.

Width = A
Height = X

2. Wall with obstructions

wall with objects

Simply ignore any empty spaces like doors or windows where the wallpaper cannot be applied and run your tape along the length and breadth.
Do not attempt to adjusting your measurements for these obstructions. It is risky as wallpaper may come short of requirement or design may break during application.

Width = A
Height = X

3. Joint wall

joint wall

The joint wall doesn’t complicate things. You can measure both walls separately and then add them to calculate total width. If the height of both walls in not the same, please consider the taller wall for measuring height.

Width = A+B
Height = X

4. Wall with vertical column

wall with vertical column

This is just an extension of a joint wall. Measure the wall while running through its entire width while considering all bends. Add up all separate component width to get total width.

Width = A+B+C+D+E
Height = X

5. Wall with horizontal column

wall with horizontal column

This is like a wall with vertical column, but multiple measurements need to be taken along the height. Add up all separate component width to get total height.

Width = A
Height = X+Y